Distances computed by the use of Tariff HGB 100 series (MILEAGE GUIDE) between point of origin and point of destination shall be the shortest route provided therein. However,

1. When the Consignor or Consignee requests transportation of the shipment over a particular route that is longer than the shortest route, the mileage over the longer route will be used; or.

2. When operation over the shortest or specified route is not feasible because of operating hazards, load limitations of highways or bridges, underpasses, or other highway limitations, the mileage computed over the actual route of movement of the shipment will apply; or

3. When shipments move under special permits, as required by or obtained from a Municipal, State or Federal Regulatory Body or Commission, which specify the route to be traveled by the motor vehicle, the mileage to be used will be the mileage via the route specified in the special permit.

4. When on shipments subject to stop offs for partial loading or unloading, mileage will be determined from point of origin to point of destination, through the stop off point(s).

5. Where the rates are not shown for the actual distance, the rates given for the next greater distance will apply.


1. Distances computed by the use of Rate Basis Numbers, Scale Numbers, Zone Numbers, or any other method, other than mileage as provided in Section 1 of this item, shall be determined as provided in tariffs making reference to this tariff as a governing publication, and having application from point of origin to point of destination, over applicable route(s), for article(s) being transported.

2. Where the rates are not shown for the actual distance, the rates given for the next greater distance will apply.


1. The rates published in this tariff, and tariffs making reference to this tariff as a governing publication, are applicable only over regular United States (Federal) Interstate Highways and/or State Paved and/or Improved Roads, via carrier(s) handling shipments over routes authorized in their certificate or compliance order issued them.

2. When, for any reason, a carrier(s) transports shipments over an alternate route which is in excess of the shortest route, the rates to apply will be those which would have applied if the shipment had been transported over the shortest route. Rules or other provisions of this tariff providing rates and services from, to or at intermediate points will not apply at points on such alternate routes.